Posts Tagged ‘Money’

New Beginning

Posted: November 14, 2019 in the Random
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Yea, I know, it’s been a while… my last post was about 4 years ago—not counting the one about personal donations because that was removed after the whole thing ended. Thanks to all those that contributed—I’m not commonly serious, but for that one, I’m completely grateful to all of you because you helped make it possible for me to be here and write this now. And that said, I feel extra compelled to give back, but at the same time, I am thinking of upgrading this site again to its old self and allow for it to be monotonized. You helped, but I still need a better source of income, and this is a possible thing that, if done right, won’t feel like whoring myself. Which is where you come in—I’m asking for suggestions. Other than the what I was already have been doing, I was considering something else, something that can be a little more regular, but without becoming something that gets in the way of everything else I’m supposed to be doing. 

One idea I’ve been floating around would be to possibly continue some of my previous attempts at comic books, but purely narration without the art (if any of you have been around, you know how I feel about the drawing part of it all). But, with it being NaNoWriMo combined with my desire for money, this has been floating through my head a bit (because it’s a tradition to think about anything but the novel you’re supposed to be working on). 

That said, feel free to suggest what you think. Know that this blog is still at this time personal income-free (all ads you may see are entirely WordPress’s income), you’ll know when I upgrade when the address looks more like an official address again. 


Advertising (Photo credit: Wrote)

Thursday is the 2nd anniversary of this blog, and even though I have completely blown off this thing for most of the year, I do plan to do something—haven’t entirely decided what yet, though a Flash might be among the things. But, aside from that, I’m trying to fix my lack of being here as well. I have been gone because of work and writing (which is also work—it just hasn’t paid a bill yet), but next week, my shift changes, and my free time should be different which is looking better for my writing time for both here and, more importantly, the novels/short-stories.

But, due to the recent shutting down of Yahoo’s freelance program (which I never got the chance to make use of), I have had to put thought into where else to make money. I have considered YouTube, but, frankly, I’m a writer, not a speaker. Kudos to the people that can spew verbal diarrhea and get enough attention to quit their jobs, but that’s just not what I do (still considering it a little, but it’s lower on my list of possible). So then we look at this blog—I have been trying to keep this more of a thing I do for fun and never money, but then I started figuring, you readers are getting ads either way, the only difference is between who’s getting paid for those ads, nothing personal to WordPress, but that’s my money, damn’it. So in reality, on your end, the worst that would really happen is the ads are a little closer to stuff that is relevant (although I can’t see the ads as is, so I don’t really know how random they are), all the while you are feeding my bank account while subliminal advertising for things you now believe you want is embedded in your mind.

On that, I need to redesign the blog with more structure. Something I’ve been meaning to do anyway, but that’s just a lot of work that is a pain in the ass (especially with code restrictions right now), but for the sake of making this look more appealing, I should give this better structure. Actually put the different categories of interest in their own place and such.

So, yeah, this is just me giving you a heads up about stuff about to happen, and I’m not capable of giving timeframe, but at some point the URL will probably change (because I would have bought the space), and the layout will hopefully change.

If you’re a regular, you may have noticed the St. Jude link is gone now. The Michigan Warrior Dash came and went, and you gave me nothing but $20 (all from people I know), so no pictures for you (unless you happen to follow me on Twitter and/or FB). I will be doing the Dash again next year though, I’ll update you when I can, and I hope you will give a bit more.

You have a couple days, if you read the blog, tell me what you would like me to do for the anniversary. Flash, reviews, you tell me—if you don’t tell me, then I’m just going to ramble for a couple pages worth with lots of swears—that’s how I get the ratings motha’fuckas!